Younger-Approved Recipe: Green Scramble


Getting your day started with a delicious, healthy breakfast that’s packed with protein and nutrients will give you the energy you need to get through the day – and the encouragement to stick with healthy meal choices for lunch and dinner!  Pair this YOUNGER-approved kale, zucchini and egg scramble with a fresh pressed green juice to really amp up your veggie intake.

Green Scramble

handful of washed, chopped dino kale
half a zucchini, diced
1 tbs diced onions
2 organic eggs
toasted sesame oil
pepper to taste


1.  Add a splash of toasted sesame oil and diced onions to a non-stick pan over medium/high heat

2.  Add handful of kale and sauté for 3-4 minutes, or until soft (add pepper if desired, but skip the salt!)

3.  Add zucchini, sauté until soft (about 2-3 min)

4.  Whisk eggs together in a separate bowl.  Once combined, pour over sautéed veggies in the pan, mixing to combine ingredients.

5.  Continue to cook eggs until light and fluffy.  Once they are no longer liquid, remove from the heat and enjoy!

Want more tips on eating healthy for your skin? Pick up a copy of Dr. Lancer’s book YOUNGER: The Breakthrough Anti-Aging Method for Radiant Skin here.

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4 Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep, Naturally


Recently, in an interview with The Cut, Dr. Lancer revealed a three-pronged approach to staying youthful: good skincare, low stress levels (which we covered here) and getting the proper amount of quality shut eye. Today, everyone leads such busy lives that sleep often suffers. Tossing and turning and even insomnia have become commonplace. So, if you aren’t feeling as rested as you’d like, here are a few simple steps to get your brain and body cooled off in time for a restful night’s sleep.

Sounder Sleep Tip 1: Fight the urge to fall asleep in the warm glow of your iPad (or TV). Avoid electronic devices at least an hour (or two!) before bed. The blue light of the screens signals brain activity, which can disrupt the natural, circadian rhythm that helps you sleep soundly.

Sounder Sleep Tip 2: Create a bedtime ritual. This can be as simple as taking a warm shower and lighting a candle for yourself or reading a good book and listening to soothing music – whatever you do, try to repeat it each night. Simple, relaxing rituals help the brain transition from wakefulness to sleepiness.

Sounder Sleep Tip 3: Maintain your sleep schedule. Waking and rising at the same time most days (even weekends and holidays!) will help your body maintain a strong circadian rythmn; you will find it easier to fall asleep and rise feeling refreshed instead of groggy and disoriented.

Sounder Sleep Tip 4: Avoid known sleep disruptors. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and nicotine a few hours before bedtime. All of these substances greatly disrupt the sleep cycle.

Sweet dreams!

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7 Stress-Busting Tips


Last week, Dr. Lancer revealed to New York Magazine’s The Cut what the fountain of youth is: low stress levels and plenty of sleep (in conjunction with a healthy dose of preventive skincare). Living a stress-free life is easier said than done, of course, but you’ve gotta start somewhere. Here are 7 simple ways to reduce stress starting right now.

Meditate. Study after study has found meditation to have amazing stress-reducing benefits. If you’ve never tried it before, begin by sitting comfortably in a quiet place. Focus on your breath and choose a positive mantra (for example, “I am calm, centered and relaxed” or “I am happy and healthy.”) to repeat. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your mantra. Try doing this for ten minutes each day to center yourself and release built up tension.

Cook a healthy meal. If the mere idea of meditating makes you squirm, there are plenty of other ways to actively meditate. One option: lovingly prepare a healthy meal for yourself (and your family or loved ones). Cooking is very grounding and allows you to tap into your creative side at the same time. Try planning your meal ahead of time so that you don’t feel rushed while preparing it.

Exercise. Tired and stressed after a long day? You don’t have to run a marathon, just do something to get your body moving and energized. Try stretching out on your back or going for a walk in the sun (wearing sunscreen, of course!). It will help your body produce natural endorphins to fight off the stress and you’ll sleep better (the second key to staying youthful). Many more exercise tips and regimens can be found in Dr. Lancer’s book, Younger.

Laugh. It may be a cliché, but that’s because it’s true: laughter really is the best medicine. Seriously, don’t let a day go by without having a good laugh. Laughter releases dopamine, endorphins and growth hormone – and it helps us feel connected to others.

Pamper yourself. Take a few minutes (or more) to do something just for you – whether that’s taking a candlelight bath, giving yourself and at-home facial (recipe here), turning off your phone/computer/TV for half an hour—take some me-time to recharge and don’t feel guilty about it!

Set boundaries. A lot of us get caught in the trap of saying yes to everything – from dinner invitations to replying to work emails at 11 pm to picking up a neighbor’s kid from soccer practice on a crazy-busy day. And the truth is, no one can do it all. Develop the ability to say no when you need to, and watch your stress levels plummet.

Shop! Okay, it may not be scientifically proven, but everyone at our office agrees that a trip to shopping heaven significantly reduces the residual effect of a pressure-cooker day. Bonus Tip: We spent the better part of this week launching Lancer Skincare at Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills and fell in love with Chef Tzu Chiang at Mariposa restaurant. He is serving an olallieberry dish that is packed full of antioxidants and so rare that it’s only produced for one month of the year in California. So, why not kill two birds with one stone? Indulge in some stress-relieving retail therapy and follow it up with a healthy meal at Mariposa.

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Our Guide to Getting Bikini Ready


Memorial Day weekend is almost here, and you know what that means: the unofficial start of summer and the onset of swimsuit season! We put together our ultimate guide to getting bikini ready, so that you can greet the season with a full-body Lancer glow.

If you want to look truly lit from within, you have to start from the inside out. We recommend having a green drink for breakfast each morning to deliver a serious dose of nutrients to your skin. This will help to keep your skin hydrated and healthy while you shed toxins (and possibly pounds). This simple and delicious Lemon-Lime Coconut Refresher is a favorite amongst everyone in our office. To make it, blend the following ingredients together until smooth:

1 whole orange (peeled)
1 whole lime (peeled)
1 whole lemon (peeled)
1 large handful of chopped kale
1 handful of fresh coconut meat
1 scoop of ice
1 cup – 1/2 cup coconut water
All ingredients should be organic when possible, and to further cut down on bloat, stay away from sugar and salt at all times.

Whether you’re already a Lancer Method devotee or are just starting out, be sure to stick to our Polish, Cleanse, Nourish system, which swimwear designer Melissa Odabash swears by.  “I saw results within a week of using the Lancer 3-step Method, which left my skin feeling smoother and rejuvenated – a must-have for a glowing beach-beautiful complexion,” she wrote on her blog. But during swimsuit season, it’s crucial to add a fourth step – full-body exfoliation. You can make an easy at-home scrub by mixing one part grapeseed or avocado oil with two parts white table sugar. This mixture is gentle enough to use everyday and will help to increase circulation, slough off dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite. In July, we’ll be unveiling the Lancer Body Method for those of you who want a professional grade product for at-home use. (Stay tuned for the launch!)

Of course, sun protection is of the utmost importance during bikini season. Be sure to apply our Sheer Fluid Sun Shield every two hours (or more if you’re swimming or perspiring), wear a sun hat to protect your face and stay in the shade as much as possible.

If you do happen to get singed by the sun, take two 325mg enteric coated aspirin twice daily for two days after your exposure and slather grapeseed oil over the area. Sun exposure can also be helped with the use of our Lift Serum. The plant-based stem cells in the formula help repair damaged skin cells and speed up the healing process. To lock extra moisture into the skin, use a fine mist of purified water between products. This works a little bit like mayo on a sandwich, allowing the products to stick together. And of course, don’t forget to Nourish, Nourish, Nourish!

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Quick Skincare Fixes for Busy Moms


We know you moms out there are busy – and that between carpool, your career and attempting to put a homemade meal on the table each night, it can be almost impossible to find time to take care of yourself, much less take a full hour for a facial or a visit to the derm. So, we put together a few quick fixes for common skincare problems so that you can spend more time helping with homework and less time worrying about how you’re going to get a few hours to yourself.

Quick Fix 1: Banish a Blemish with Greek Yogurt. You wake up with a monstrous zit and the last thing you have time for is a trip to the aesthetician to get it extracted or injected. Don’t stress: dab Greek yogurt on your blemish before going to bed. The probiotics in the yogurt will kill any bacteria while lactic acid will break down the bump. It may take a few days to heal, but it will eventually disappear.

Quick Fix 2: Unload Undereye Baggage with Green Tea Bags. If a teething baby or sick little one kept you awake all night, fake a restful look by steeping two green tea bags. Cool them in ice water, then place them over your undereye area for 10 minutes. The caffeine will reduce inflammation and increase blood flow for a fresh, I-got-a-full-8-hours appearance.

Quick Fix 3: Heal a Burn with Honey. The kitchen can be treacherous territory, especially if you’re rushing to put a meal on the table. If you happen to get a minor burn in the process, treat it by slathering on a coating of raw honey. Raw honey has antibacterial properties and will help to hydrate the skin all while making that stinging feeling dissipate.

Quick Fix 4: Keep Oil at Bay with Apple Cider Vinegar. If you run out of your favorite skincare products before having a chance to pick up replacements, tame oily skin by diluting apple cider vinegar with water and using the mixture as an astringent. It’s excellent for balancing the skin’s pH.

From all of us at Lancer Skincare, Happy Mother’s Day!

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Carry-On Essentials for Glowing Skin

Lancer-CarryOnEssentials (1)

Traveling typically doesn’t do your skin any favors. Between dehydration, the temptation to eat tons of processed foods (because nothing else is around), and the overall germy-ness of airports and airplanes, keeping your skin in peak condition can be tougher than scoring an upgrade on an overbooked flight. So for all you jet-setters out there, make sure to pack these travel essentials in your carry-on next time you skip town:

1. The Basics Now you never have to leave home without The Method. Smartly packaged in TSA-friendly sizes, our new Travel Set is ideal to have on hand for red eye flights and your final destination. Choose from the regular or deluxe set: both contain Polish, Cleanse, Nourish and Eye Contour Lifting Cream. The deluxe set also includes our Lift Serum Intense and Intensive Night Treatment.

2. Soothing Tea Bags The most important thing you can do for your skin while flying is to drink lots of water. A good rule of thumb is 8 oz. per hour in the air, starting when you are still on the ground. You can also bring herbal tea bags (Dr. Lancer likes chammomile best) and request hot water from the flight attendants. And pass on the coffee and mimosas; caffeine and alcohol speed up dehydration and glycation.

3. A Shea Butter-Based Lip Balm Lips tend to dry up and chap faster in the air. Karite Lips is our favorite antidote for cracked, painful lips. It’s made from all natural ingredients and doesn’t wear off in minutes, like so many lip balms do. And, if your lips are already chapped, this miracle balm will help to heal them.

4. Healthy Snacks Plane food is processed food, which means it’s not good for your skin. So plan ahead and pack a glass tupperware with carrots and sliced cucumbers to help battle hunger and hydrate your skin. Raw (or sprouted), organic almonds make for a good protein boost and are easy to tuck away in your bag.

5. Hand Sanitizer Touching your face with dirty hands can cause breakouts, so keep your hands free of bacteria with a natural hand sanitizer like this amazing smelling lavendar spritz. It’s the perfect size to keep in your purse at all times – whether you’re traveling or not.

6. Hand Cream Hands are feet are some of the first body parts to lose moisture when you board the plane. Keep them supple with a rich hand cream like this travel size one from L’Occitane.

7. An Atomizer Bring an atomizer aboard to help keep skin hydrated while you fly, giving yourself a little spritz whenever your skin feels tight (or every couple of hours). Before you deplane, an atomizer is the perfect tool for freshening up.

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The Best Anti-Aging Exercises


Most of you already know how important it is to work out on a regular basis, but what some, especially our uber-fit clientele in Los Angeles, might be surprised to hear is that there is such a thing as working out too hard. Despite what Hollywood might tell you, you really can be too thin and too fit. Too much strenuous exercise causes inflammation in the body and doesn’t just damage joints – it also damages the skin and breaks down collagen and elastin. What you should aim for while exercising – instead of racing the guy next to you on the treadmill – is to gently increase the blood flow to your organs, stimulate your metabolism and help your body eliminate toxins so you leave the gym look radiant, rather than run-down. Here are 5 forms of moderate exercise that will help you get – and stay – younger.

Elliptical. You don’t have to measure up to the meatheads at your gym. Hop on the elliptical with a magazine (or maybe a book – hint, hint) and spend 30-40 minutes moving at a moderate pace of 3.5 – 5 miles per hour.

Yoga. Tap into your spiritual side at a Hatha yoga class that focuses on deep breathing and stretching. This will do wonders for oxygenating your muscles and detoxing your system.

Pilates. Pilates is a wonderful way to both gently strengthen and stretch the body. Our good friend and Broadway actress-turned-Pilates instructor Debi Monahan created a simple, anti-aging Pilates workout for us that you can do anywhere. It is outlined on pages 205-211 of Younger.

Stroller Pushing. This one’s for all you moms out there. Having little ones makes it tough enough to sneak away to the gym, so do yourself a favor and kill two birds with one…well, stroller. Pushing a stroller a mile and a half in 30 minutes is an ideal moderate work out. Even better: do it while catching up with a friend. You’ll get some added stress relief from spending time with a pal.

Swimming Laps. If you have any sort of injury, swimming is an excellent form of exercise. You’ll get a great cardio workout without all the pressure on your joints. Swimming is also very meditative and great for reducing mental as well as physical tension!

Oh, and one last thing: if you choose to exercise outdoors, don’t forget your sunscreen!

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Younger-Approved Recipe: Grilled Chicken Kale Salad

Last week, we mentioned a few of Dr. Lancer’s dietary guidelines for younger-looking skin (and weight loss – he lost 60 lbs. on the Younger diet), so this week, we thought we’d share one of our Younger-approved recipes: Grilled Chicken Kale Salad. This salad is a favorite of our staff and is packed with nutrients, protein and healthy fats but free of salt, starches and dairy.  Here’s how to make it:

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil, plus more for brushing
1 large bunch kale, stems removed, leaves torn (about 10 cups)
3 cloves garlic, thinly sliced
freshly ground pepper, savory spices (rosemary, oregano)
2 large skinless, boneless chicken breasts (about 1 1/2 pounds)
4 cups mixed salad greens
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Toss the tomatoes with 1/2 tablespoon olive oil on a rimmed baking sheet; spread in a single layer and roast 5 minutes. Toss the kale in a large bowl with the garlic, 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, and pepper to taste. Roast until the kale is crisp, stirring once, 15 to 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, preheat a grill or grill pan to medium and brush with olive oil. Slice the chicken breasts in half horizontally to make 4 cutlets. Coat evenly with 1/2 tablespoon olive oil and season with pepper and/or savory spices. Grill the chicken until well marked and cooked through, 2 to 4 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate.

Toss the kale, the remaining 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, the salad greens, tomatoes, lemon juice, and pepper to taste in a large bowl. Divide the chicken among plates and top with any collected juices. Serve with the kale salad.


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5 Easy-to-Implement Tips from Younger

When it comes to staying youthful, there are tons of little tweaks you can make to your lifestyle to keep aging at bay. And, many of them aren’t too arduous. Here are 5 quick and easy tips from Dr. Lancer’s best-selling book Younger that you can implement today:

Move. You don’t have to hit SoulCycle five times a week or train for a marathon. (In fact, working out too intensely can actually speed up aging.) But you do need to make moderate exercise a part of your routine. So take a long walk with a friend, attend a yoga class or go for a bike ride. If you can’t get outdoors, spend 30 minutes doing a workout video or using resistance bands at home.

Pass the salt. Well, what we really mean is pass on the salt. Too much salt causes inflammation in the body and can exacerbate acne. Try seasoning your food with fresh lemon, lime or roasted garlic instead. This week, Dr. Lancer shared a list of the foods he suggests avoiding with StyleBistro. Following these guidelines, by the way, caused him to lose 60 lbs – no joke. Click here for the complete list.

Check your water levels. Staying properly hydrated means more than just downing your eight glasses of H2O each day. If you drink coffee or alcohol, make sure you drink at least one extra glass of water to offset each cocktail or caffeinated beverage. And fill your plate with foods rich in Omega-3s, which help to keep skin supple.

Sleep in. Now you have a valid excuse to hit the snooze button. Your body repairs itself while you sleep, so make sure you’re getting enough and give yourself those extra few minutes of precious shut-eye in the morning whenever you can. If you’re a morning person, move your bedtime up a half hour and catch some extra nighttime zzzzs.

Change up your sleep position. You know when you wake up with creases from your bedding criss-crossing your face? Well, when you sleep in the same position every night, your cheek, jawline, and neck are pushed against the pillow, causing your skin to be folded or creased for several hours. Over the years, those folds become etched into your skin to form sleep lines. So alternate the side you sleep on, or better yet, sleep on your back.

Wanna get even younger-looking? Then pick up a copy of Dr. Lancer’s ultimate anti-aging guide today!

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Skin Boosting Winter Detox

Juice cleanses seem to have been the ubiquitous health craze of 2013. While days of ingesting nothing but puréed greenery can do remarkable things for your skin and body, the prospect of a cold glass of juice for every meal seems largely unappealing now that most of the country is buried under 6-8 inches of ice.

That being said, it’s the new year and a great time to reset your body with a healthy cleanse.  If cold juice has got you down, we are here with an infinitely more appealing option!

Enter: Goop.  For those of you who don’t know, Goop is Gweneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand/digital magazine that contains everything from up and coming womenswear brands to healthy eats and cool spots in LA/NY.  Not long ago, Goop put out a “Warming Winter Detox” meal plan that had us (amazingly) super excited to give the cold-weather friendly detox a try.

With a few modifications, we made the three day plan into five full days of meals and snacks.  The pros: we felt AMAZING, the cleanse banished bloat, our skin was dewy and glowing, our hair shiny, and we had tons of energy to boot. Say goodbye to sodium, processed foods, sugar, bread, pasta and animal meat and say hello to a healthy 2014.

Check out the links above for daily meal plans and recipes! Happy Cleansing!