Hydration & Nutrition to Beat the Winter Blues

The cold (or chilly if you’re in LA like us) days of winter are always a welcome change from the heat and humidity of summer – but the transition can wreak havoc on your skin. Exposure to the elements combined with the harsh effects of indoor heating and salty holiday food can leave skin irritated, red, flaky, and broken-out.  So what can be done to rescue skin from the winter blues?  Maintaing a healthy moisture balance in the skin and body and keeping cellular turnover at a high rate will help you transition your skin to the winter season.

The first step in winterizing your skincare routine is hydration from the inside out. Start by drinking water and lots of it- at least 10 glasses a day.  If possible, water should be alkaline, as this helps maintain a positive pH level in the body.  The next step is eliminating foods high in sodium, including naturally salty foods, paying special attention to foods that have added salt.  For example, many people assume sushi is a healthy meal option but are unaware of the massive sodium intake that comes with eating dried seaweed and fish.  Other unrecognized sodium culprits include salad dressings, soy-based products, and cheese. Avoiding these foods, and refraining from the use of salt in cooking, will help decrease sodium intake.  Garlic and lemon are two highly flavorful aromatics that can help season food without salt. In addition to avoiding certain foods, it is smart to add foods rich in antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids, and Vitamin C which help feed your skin. Supplements can also help with additional vitamin intake.  Chlorophyll supplements can make a huge difference in skin health when taken regularly by increasing oxygenation in the skin and blood.


  • drink plenty of water (10 glasses a day!)
  • take vitamin supplements (Vitamin C, Chlorophyll, Vitamin D, Fish Oil)
  • eat winter greens (kale, swiss chard, spinach)
  • cook with garlic and lemon to healthily flavor food
  • read ingredient labels to understand how much sodium you are taking in


  • add extra salt to your food!
  • replace water with soda or sports beverages
  • eat processed carbs (white bread, cookies, pastries)