Myth: Do or Don’t? At Home Face Shaving – Dermaplaning

Dermaplaning is a great way to refresh the skin. The procedure consists of gliding a fine surgical blade across the surface of the face to remove dead skin and peach fuzz, and reduce the appearance of acne scars. Removing the top layer of skin allows for a brighter, cleaner complexion that feels smooth, healthy and vibrant. With a fresh layer of skin revealed, skincare products can perform much more quickly and effectively.

Now, would it be a good idea to do it at home yourself? Probably not. Dr. Lancer strongly recommends going to a medical spa or a medical office and leaving this procedure in the hands of the professionals. Doing it yourself could potentially cause issues. Not only is it possible to harm your skin with the blade, but the blade or your hands may be contaminated with bacteria, which could lead to a skin infection.

If you’re interested in Dermaplaning, we welcome you to book an appointment at Lancer Dermatology. You may schedule an appointment through our site by clicking on the link below.

Looking forward to seeing you soon!