The Secret of The Lancer Method: Interlocking Chemistry
Interlocking chemistry is not just some heady term you hoped you’d never hear again after narrowly passing science class, it’s the secret behind The Lancer Method (Polish, Cleanse, Nourish). The Method was developed as an integrative three-part system, wherein each step, or product, makes the others more effective. Though this might sound like mad science, it’s based on the most basic principle of pH and our skin’s acid mantle. Skin is naturally slightly acidic, and it’s this acid mantle that protects from bacteria, infection etc. Many cleansers, especially those of lower quality, can leave the skin stripped of it’s natural acid barrier; thus leading to irritation, redness, acne breakouts and other problems. Our Polish is designed to sweep skin of dead cells and debris; The Method Cleanse is designed to not only clean off the lifted cells, dirt and other debris, but also to restore the skin’s pH to protect the natural acid barrier. The result is smooth skin that is prepared to receive the nurtrients and hydration in Nourish, with no “toner step” needed.