Recently, in an interview with The Cut, Dr. Lancer revealed a three-pronged approach to staying youthful: good skincare, low stress levels (which we covered here) and getting the proper amount of quality shut eye. Today, everyone leads such busy lives that sleep often suffers. Tossing and turning and even insomnia have become commonplace. So, if you aren’t feeling as rested as you’d like, here are a few simple steps to get your brain and body cooled off in time for a restful night’s sleep.
Sounder Sleep Tip 1: Fight the urge to fall asleep in the warm glow of your iPad (or TV). Avoid electronic devices at least an hour (or two!) before bed. The blue light of the screens signals brain activity, which can disrupt the natural, circadian rhythm that helps you sleep soundly.
Sounder Sleep Tip 2: Create a bedtime ritual. This can be as simple as taking a warm shower and lighting a candle for yourself or reading a good book and listening to soothing music – whatever you do, try to repeat it each night. Simple, relaxing rituals help the brain transition from wakefulness to sleepiness.
Sounder Sleep Tip 3: Maintain your sleep schedule. Waking and rising at the same time most days (even weekends and holidays!) will help your body maintain a strong circadian rythmn; you will find it easier to fall asleep and rise feeling refreshed instead of groggy and disoriented.
Sounder Sleep Tip 4: Avoid known sleep disruptors. Stay away from alcohol, caffeine and nicotine a few hours before bedtime. All of these substances greatly disrupt the sleep cycle.
Sweet dreams!
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4 Ways to Get a Better Night’s Sleep, Naturally was last modified: March 4th, 2023 by Dr. Harold Lancer