Treatment Spotlight: Mia Belle’s Microcurrent


Mia Belle is one of our highly skilled aestheticians who works under the careful direction of Dr. Lancer. She often travels to labs, spas, and research facilities to keep up with the newest and most innovative anti-aging treatments. Our new favorite treatment is Mia’s amazing microcurrent; it works as a stand-alone treatment or an add-on to one of her excellent facials. Painless, downtime-less, and with so many applications, her microcurrent is a true hero treatment here at the office.

Take a look at some of its amazing uses:

  • tightens skin by lifting and toning facial muscles
  • releases collagen growth factors, without causing inflammation
  • helps stimulate lymphatic drainage
  • great for post surgery, or facial trauma
  • acts as an anti-inflammatory and prevents the formation of scar tissue
  • treats acne with certain functions unique to this modality
  • results are comparable is Ulthera and acupuncture
  • can be used by all skin types and ethnicities

Call our office and schedule a session with Mia to try this amazing treatment!

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5 Minutes With… Celebrity Stylist Cristina Ehrlich


One of the most powerful stylists in Hollywood, Cristina Ehrlich dresses established A-listers such as Penelope Cruz and Tina Fey as well as buzzed-about newcomers like Margot Robbie, Allison Brie and Greta Gerwig. Of course, glowing skin is the ultimate red carpet accessory, and Ehrlich is no stranger to the ins and outs of celebrity skincare. She took five minutes out of her stuffed schedule to chat with us:

Lancer Skincare: What difference does good skin care make in your line of work?

Cristina Ehrlich: It’s absolutely everything. Basically what I do, which is to help women get ready for a red carpet, is learning by example. When my clients come into my office I have to be a representation of what I will help them achieve; clients turn to me for advice across the board. There is a dietary aspect to my work as well – understanding the healthy way of getting red carpet-ready, and how that parlays into their physical shape. Most importantly, it comes down to their skin being the essential accessory. So much of what we’re doing is finding the colors that give them that sought after glow. And while many people believe this may be makeup, it is really a combination of healthy, beautiful skin, a beautiful shape, and the perfect color combinations. You see a client numerous times before an event – how they stand, which way they face the camera, how they feel, how they look, and it all starts with caring for their skin and body.

LS: Are there certain skin issues that you find common among clients that need covering up?

CE: The number one thing I have come to see and understand when seeking beauty is the value, the necessity, and the importance of water – for hydration and for energy. We have been taught to treat the symptoms in our life. Tired? Eat sugar, drink coffee. But you have to understand what gives you real energy, what will keep you glowing, that is water. Traveling, moving from location to location, being in filtered air, you need to stay hydrated to look good. It was not until I incorporated this into my own life that I saw how important it was for my clients to follow the same standard of hydration.

LS: Do you have a favorite product in the Lancer Skincare range?

CE: First of all, the Polish has literally changed the texture of my skin. It’s amazing, and I’m addicted. But my absolute favorite, favorite product has to be the Advanced C Radiance Cream. I put it all over my face, neck, chest – it feels like velvet and preps skin perfectly for moisture and SPF. It’s even better than a date with a hot guy!

LS: What’s your best get-glowing-quick tip?

CE: Time in a steam room is incredibly relaxing and rejuvenating for the mind and body, and of course, exercise. SoulCycle and hot yoga are my go-tos. And after all that – sleep and water.

LS: We’ve heard you had an interesting experience with Dr. Lancer that extended beyond mere skincare.

CE: During a routine follow up appointment, he inquired about my marital status and then proceeded to describe the exact type of man that he thought would best suit me, and was dead on. He’s a dermatologist, but his services extend to the mind and body! It was like having a life coach in the room with me. Dr. Lancer is adamant about the connection between your personal wellbeing and the health of your skin. I have never known another dermatologist to care for their patients the way he does.

LS: Why do you think The Method works so well for you?

CE: In general, I tend to be a highly disciplined and routine-oriented person, and Lancer Skincare is the first dermatological experience I’ve had that mimics the discipline I have in my life. Dr. Lancer and his team put me on a regimen perfectly suited to my life that has completely changed my skin for the better.

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Dr. Lancer Devotee: Angela Bassett


Academy Award nominee and Golden Globe winner Angela Bassett has been a Hollywood fixture since the mid-80s, but with her radiant glow, she could easily be mistaken on the red carpet for a fresh-faced newcomer. Besides great genes and a healthy lifestyle (she’s a vegetarian and raw food proponent), the mother-of-two’s anti-aging regimen includes Lancer Skincare products.

“I love the Polish,” says Bassett. “A quick way to rid the face of dead skin cells and reveal the fresh complexion beneath! And the cleanser is delightful. You need such a little amount but feel as if you’ve rinsed away everything you don’t need without stripping the moisture. Smells clean and fresh on top of it.”

“Speaking of moisture,” she goes on to say, “the daily one feels like a treat for your pores along with the Vitamin C and the evening anti-aging formula. I like that they do not leave me oily or greasy.”

If you can believe it, Angela is 55. She doesn’t look a day over 30 to us.

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The Good, The Bad & The Sunburned


As you all know, sun protection is uber-important in the fight against aging. We get so many questions about various new sun protection tools and technologies that we thought we’d help separate myth from fact by breaking down what works and what doesn’t. Here’s what Dr. Lancer has to say about 5 alternative methods of sun protection:

UV-blocking clothing. Wearing UV-blocking clothing is a great way to protect your skin when you’re in the sun for extended periods of time playing sports, walking, hiking, driving or doing anything active. UV protection is woven into the fabric and provides full spectrum protection without the worry of mis-applying or forgetting to reapply sunscreen. These items are a smart option for kids or people with sensitive skin.

Drinkable sunscreen. It may sound crazy, but there is a product that claims to be drinkable sun protection called Harmonized H20 UV Neutralizer. But whether it actually works is highly questionable. There is no ingredient information provided by the company, making it impossible to accurately judge the efficacy. Additionally, there is no current scientific or medical evidence that would indicate the possibility of an internal sunscreen protecting the skin externally. Experimenting with sun protection is a dangerous gamble and not worth the potential ill-effects. Stick with externally applied sunscreen and you will be safe.

UV monitoring wristbands. UV monitoring wristbands and patches are a great tool to help monitor how much sun you have had, especially on days when it may be hard to tell, like when it’s overcast, or you’ve been in and out of the shade. The patches or wristbands change color in accordance with the amount of UV light they have been exposed to, letting you know when you’ve had a safe amount of sun exposure and when it’s time to get out of the sun completely.

Super high SPF. Understanding the risks and benefits of a sunscreeen with a super high SPF (think 50 and above) means understanding what Sun Protection Factor truly means. Many people today believe Sun Protection Factor translates to the number of minutes you can spend in the sun and remain protected, when in fact it refers to the level of UV light the sunscreen protects your skin against (it has little to do with time and more to do with the strength of the sun). Much of the concern over high-SPF sunscreens comes from the incorrect consumer belief that they can stay in the sun for 100 minutes without reapplication – leading to overexposure, sunburns and skin damage. For example, an SPF of 50 protects skin from 98 percent of UVA and UVB rays, while an SPF of 100 protects skin from 99 percent of rays. Though the number doubles, the amount of protection does not. So while there isn’t anything necessarily wrong with a super high SPF, do be aware of what you are putting on your skin and how well you are being protected.

Astaxanthin. Astaxanthin is a supplement that is said to help protect skin from damaging UV rays in sunlight. The company that produces it claims that it’s an antioxidant more powerful than beta-carotene, lycopene, and alpha-tocopherants, and that the supplement works wonders against free-radicals and helps with cell protection, including the damage that occurs from UV rays. Even though this supplement may help your body protect and repair itself from free radical damage, the effects of astaxanthin are not strong enough to use in lieu of a true sunscreen.

Have you tried any of these alternative sun protection methods? We’d love to hear about your experiences with them!

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7 Stress-Busting Tips


Last week, Dr. Lancer revealed to New York Magazine’s The Cut what the fountain of youth is: low stress levels and plenty of sleep (in conjunction with a healthy dose of preventive skincare). Living a stress-free life is easier said than done, of course, but you’ve gotta start somewhere. Here are 7 simple ways to reduce stress starting right now.

Meditate. Study after study has found meditation to have amazing stress-reducing benefits. If you’ve never tried it before, begin by sitting comfortably in a quiet place. Focus on your breath and choose a positive mantra (for example, “I am calm, centered and relaxed” or “I am happy and healthy.”) to repeat. If your mind wanders, gently bring it back to your mantra. Try doing this for ten minutes each day to center yourself and release built up tension.

Cook a healthy meal. If the mere idea of meditating makes you squirm, there are plenty of other ways to actively meditate. One option: lovingly prepare a healthy meal for yourself (and your family or loved ones). Cooking is very grounding and allows you to tap into your creative side at the same time. Try planning your meal ahead of time so that you don’t feel rushed while preparing it.

Exercise. Tired and stressed after a long day? You don’t have to run a marathon, just do something to get your body moving and energized. Try stretching out on your back or going for a walk in the sun (wearing sunscreen, of course!). It will help your body produce natural endorphins to fight off the stress and you’ll sleep better (the second key to staying youthful). Many more exercise tips and regimens can be found in Dr. Lancer’s book, Younger.

Laugh. It may be a cliché, but that’s because it’s true: laughter really is the best medicine. Seriously, don’t let a day go by without having a good laugh. Laughter releases dopamine, endorphins and growth hormone – and it helps us feel connected to others.

Pamper yourself. Take a few minutes (or more) to do something just for you – whether that’s taking a candlelight bath, giving yourself and at-home facial (recipe here), turning off your phone/computer/TV for half an hour—take some me-time to recharge and don’t feel guilty about it!

Set boundaries. A lot of us get caught in the trap of saying yes to everything – from dinner invitations to replying to work emails at 11 pm to picking up a neighbor’s kid from soccer practice on a crazy-busy day. And the truth is, no one can do it all. Develop the ability to say no when you need to, and watch your stress levels plummet.

Shop! Okay, it may not be scientifically proven, but everyone at our office agrees that a trip to shopping heaven significantly reduces the residual effect of a pressure-cooker day. Bonus Tip: We spent the better part of this week launching Lancer Skincare at Neiman Marcus Beverly Hills and fell in love with Chef Tzu Chiang at Mariposa restaurant. He is serving an olallieberry dish that is packed full of antioxidants and so rare that it’s only produced for one month of the year in California. So, why not kill two birds with one stone? Indulge in some stress-relieving retail therapy and follow it up with a healthy meal at Mariposa.

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Quick Skincare Fixes for Busy Moms


We know you moms out there are busy – and that between carpool, your career and attempting to put a homemade meal on the table each night, it can be almost impossible to find time to take care of yourself, much less take a full hour for a facial or a visit to the derm. So, we put together a few quick fixes for common skincare problems so that you can spend more time helping with homework and less time worrying about how you’re going to get a few hours to yourself.

Quick Fix 1: Banish a Blemish with Greek Yogurt. You wake up with a monstrous zit and the last thing you have time for is a trip to the aesthetician to get it extracted or injected. Don’t stress: dab Greek yogurt on your blemish before going to bed. The probiotics in the yogurt will kill any bacteria while lactic acid will break down the bump. It may take a few days to heal, but it will eventually disappear.

Quick Fix 2: Unload Undereye Baggage with Green Tea Bags. If a teething baby or sick little one kept you awake all night, fake a restful look by steeping two green tea bags. Cool them in ice water, then place them over your undereye area for 10 minutes. The caffeine will reduce inflammation and increase blood flow for a fresh, I-got-a-full-8-hours appearance.

Quick Fix 3: Heal a Burn with Honey. The kitchen can be treacherous territory, especially if you’re rushing to put a meal on the table. If you happen to get a minor burn in the process, treat it by slathering on a coating of raw honey. Raw honey has antibacterial properties and will help to hydrate the skin all while making that stinging feeling dissipate.

Quick Fix 4: Keep Oil at Bay with Apple Cider Vinegar. If you run out of your favorite skincare products before having a chance to pick up replacements, tame oily skin by diluting apple cider vinegar with water and using the mixture as an astringent. It’s excellent for balancing the skin’s pH.

From all of us at Lancer Skincare, Happy Mother’s Day!

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Get A Fresh Start to Spring with Our At-Home Facial


Spring is the perfect time of year to pamper yourself with a luxurious at-home facial. As the weather warms up, you’ll want to exfoliate away dry, flaky winter skin in order to dive into the new season with a fresh-faced glow. Here are a few steps you can take to get your skin hydrated, plumped and glowing for springtime with all-natural ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry.

Fresh Start Step 1: Polish The crucial first step in getting a springtime glow is exfoliation. Start by removing your makeup thoroughly using grapeseed or avocado oil. Then mix one part grapeseed or avocado oil with two parts white table sugar. Smooth the mixture onto your slightly damp face, and using a light touch, make small, upward, circular motions with your middle two fingers. This process removes dry, dead skin cells allowing the active ingredients in your products to better penetrate the skin.

Fresh Start Step 2: Cleanse Wash away any remaining exfoliant with a mild cleanser.

Fresh Start Step 3: Nourish Next, mix a nourishing face mask by combining one part raw honey and one part full fat buttermilk. Smooth the mixture onto your face and leave it on for five minutes. The lactic acid in the buttermilk will break down dead skin cells (which you can then sweep away), and the honey will give your skin an infusion of healthy antioxidants and kill any bacteria left on your face. Your skin will feel supple and nourished and – what’s even better – the effects of environmental stressors will be reversed.

Fresh Start Step 4: Hydrate Now that your skin is plumped with vitamins and hydrated, seal in all the good moisture. Slather on a rich, antioxidant-heavy moisturizer. Gently dab eye cream around the eye area.

Fresh Start Step 5: Protect You can have the best skincare in the world, but it won’t make an ounce of difference if you aren’t protecting your skin from the sun. Cover your face, neck and chest with an SPF of at least 30 prior to going outdoors.

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Desert Skin Rehab: Part 2


Last week we gave you the rundown of our marketing coordinator Madeline’s post-Coachella skincare rehab regimen. And now we’ve got the photographic proof of its speedy efficacy. Just one week after returning from the desert, Madeline’s Lancer Glow is back!

Upon returning from Coachella, Madeline’s skin was angry. Overexposure to the sun, heat and dry desert air had caused it to break out, dry out and become unevenly pigmented. To remedy this, Madeline exfoliated with Sensitive Polish for the first four days to jumpstart the cell renewal process. Exfoliation also causes blood circulation to increase, and this helped her blemishes to heal quickly without scarring. Plus, by using Polish in conjunction with a healthy daily dose of Sensitive Nourish, Retexturizing Treatment Cream and Advanced C Radiance and drinking a green juice and extra water each day, Madeline’s skin quickly regained hydration from the deep layers to the epidermis – hence her radiant glow. In the after photos, you can see what is, quite frankly, a miraculous recovery: redness is drastically reduced, pimples are nonexistent, her coloring is even, and her flaky, scaly skin is now smooth and soft to the touch. All just in time to go back for Stagecoach and do it again! (Kidding.)

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Desert Skin Rehab: Fighting the Effects of Fun and Sun at Coachella


No matter how well you care for your skin, there are times it can be hard to maintain a meticulous regimen, especially when you’re away from home. Last week we posted about how traveling can tax skin health: Flying speeds up dehydration and sun exposure, and upon landing, a change in hard or soft water and air humidity can easily irritate skin and cause breakouts and dryness.

But few climates are as brutal as the SoCal desert combined with the party atmosphere of Coachella. For nearly 15 years, Angelenos having been trekking to the desert to spend three days enjoying the music, sun, food and crowds that make up the famous festival. While we’re all for having some good, healthy fun—which Coachella makes easy with vegan and vegetarian food options, juice stands and fresh fruit—there are few things more taxing than three full days of sun exposure, ultra dry and hot temperatures, and the inevitable cocktail or five, we mean, two.

Our marketing coordinator headed to Coachella armed with her Lancer arsenal, but had a hard time maintaining her regimen in the desert. “My skin was super irritated from the heat, dry from the air, and so dirty. As much as I wanted to polish all the grime away, I knew I would be exposed to the same thing the next day, so I held off on polishing, and stuck with tons of Sheer Fluid SPF, Nourish and eye cream to stay as hydrated as possible.”

Even being so proactive, Madeline found that her skin suffered: “I can see the pigmentation on my nose, around my eyes and in the hollows of my cheeks from the sun. Plus some congested pores from all the sweat and dirt. I want my Lancer glow back!”

So what are the doctor’s orders for tackling post-Coachella skin? Check out Madeline’s rehab regimen below:

Diet. Beautiful skin starts from within, so the first step is to boost your daily intake of water and greens. This will make a big, and noticeable, difference. If you’re jonesing for something with more flavor than good old H2O and celery sticks, try Pressed Juicery‘s Greens 3 and coconut water for extra hydration.

Skin Care. It’s important to be diligent about your daily regimen once you’re back from the desert. Since returning from Coachella, Madeline has been following these steps:

In the morning:
1. Wash with Sensitive Cleanse and pat skin dry
2. Retexturizing Treatment Cream
3. Sensitive Nourish
4. Sheer Fluid Sun Shield
5. Eye Contour Lifting Cream

At night:
1. Remove makeup with grape seed oil
2. Steam face for 5 minutes in the shower
3. Polish
4. Sensitive Cleanse
5. Advanced C Radiance
6. Sensitive Nourish
7. Eye Contour Lifting Cream

Next week, we’ll be sharing Madeline’s before and after photos – be sure to check back!

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Carry-On Essentials for Glowing Skin

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Traveling typically doesn’t do your skin any favors. Between dehydration, the temptation to eat tons of processed foods (because nothing else is around), and the overall germy-ness of airports and airplanes, keeping your skin in peak condition can be tougher than scoring an upgrade on an overbooked flight. So for all you jet-setters out there, make sure to pack these travel essentials in your carry-on next time you skip town:

1. The Basics Now you never have to leave home without The Method. Smartly packaged in TSA-friendly sizes, our new Travel Set is ideal to have on hand for red eye flights and your final destination. Choose from the regular or deluxe set: both contain Polish, Cleanse, Nourish and Eye Contour Lifting Cream. The deluxe set also includes our Lift Serum Intense and Intensive Night Treatment.

2. Soothing Tea Bags The most important thing you can do for your skin while flying is to drink lots of water. A good rule of thumb is 8 oz. per hour in the air, starting when you are still on the ground. You can also bring herbal tea bags (Dr. Lancer likes chammomile best) and request hot water from the flight attendants. And pass on the coffee and mimosas; caffeine and alcohol speed up dehydration and glycation.

3. A Shea Butter-Based Lip Balm Lips tend to dry up and chap faster in the air. Karite Lips is our favorite antidote for cracked, painful lips. It’s made from all natural ingredients and doesn’t wear off in minutes, like so many lip balms do. And, if your lips are already chapped, this miracle balm will help to heal them.

4. Healthy Snacks Plane food is processed food, which means it’s not good for your skin. So plan ahead and pack a glass tupperware with carrots and sliced cucumbers to help battle hunger and hydrate your skin. Raw (or sprouted), organic almonds make for a good protein boost and are easy to tuck away in your bag.

5. Hand Sanitizer Touching your face with dirty hands can cause breakouts, so keep your hands free of bacteria with a natural hand sanitizer like this amazing smelling lavendar spritz. It’s the perfect size to keep in your purse at all times – whether you’re traveling or not.

6. Hand Cream Hands are feet are some of the first body parts to lose moisture when you board the plane. Keep them supple with a rich hand cream like this travel size one from L’Occitane.

7. An Atomizer Bring an atomizer aboard to help keep skin hydrated while you fly, giving yourself a little spritz whenever your skin feels tight (or every couple of hours). Before you deplane, an atomizer is the perfect tool for freshening up.

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